West Fraser acquired Spray Lake Sawmills on November 17, 2023        Learn More*
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News & Events2023-04-18T10:11:58-06:00

Protected Areas & Conservation Values Workshop

On April 4th, 2013 Spray Lake Sawmills hosted a workshop to review and gather feedback on two key documents: Protected Areas Gap Analysis and High Conservation Value Forest Assessment.  We were pleased to see a good cross sectional mix of participants.  It was a very constructive and productive session.  Thank you to everyone who was able

April 5th, 2013|

Year End Update

Spray Lake Sawmills harvested in a number of different areas this year.  Two of these received special interest from various groups; the area west of Bragg Creek and the licence known as Beaver Mines.  Given the added interest in these two areas I thought I would provide a year end update. The Beaver Mines licence has

April 1st, 2013|

Inviting Participation in Sustainable Forest Management, Conservation and Protected Areas

SLS will be hosting a public participation session the week of April 1st, 2013. The theme of the session is “Inviting Participation in Sustainable Forest Management, Conservation and Protected Areas”. Spray Lakes will be sharing its vision for an ecological goods and services approach to sustainable forest management and would like your participation and feedback. We

March 28th, 2013|

Forest Management Workshop

Spray Lake Sawmills held a couple of meetings at the Cochrane RancheHouse last week. At that meeting we distributed hard copies &/or linkages for several reports: Five Year Stewardship Report, Pre-Industrial Condition (PIC), Protected Areas Gap Analysis, and High Conservation Value Forest Assessment (HCVF). We also discussed a process for working through some of these reports

March 19th, 2013|
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