2021 Forest Management Plan-update
Spray Lake Sawmills 2021 Forest Management Plan (FMP) was approved on May 21, 2021, effective May 1, 2021. We want to thank everyone that provided input to the plan. Spray Lake Sawmills 2021 Forest Management Plan (FMP) was developed over a five-year period, beginning in March 2015 and ending with the submission of the final plan to
2021 Website Open House
Due to Spray Lake Sawmills (SLS) being unable to hold the annual in-person open house and collaborative planning sessions information on upcoming harvest plans is available below for review. Please provide your feedback to integrate into plan development. We’re looking forward to answering your questions and gathering input on our proposed plans. This information will be
Draft 2021 Forest Management Plan- thanks for your input!
We want to thank stakeholder groups and interested parties for taking the time to review the draft 2021 Forest Management Plan (FMP) and providing input. The draft 2021 FMP was posted for public comment on our corporate website on June 5, 2020 and the period to provide input closed last Wednesday on July 22, 2020. Spray
Value 29 – Recreational Trail Integration
Recently, we have heard from several West Bragg Creek trail users, a concern with respect to potential timber harvesting of recreational trails, identified in the draft 2021 Forest Management Plan. The draft 2021 forest management plan was posted for public comment on our corporate website on June 5, 2020. Spray Lake Sawmills is dedicated to protecting
Consultation timeline extension- 2021 FMP Milestone 3 Website Open House- we want your input
The draft 2021 Forest Management Plan and milestone 3 information package were posted on our website on June 5, 2020. The public input period, began on June 5, 2020 and has been extended to close on July 21, 2020. Timelines have been extended by approximately 10 Alberta working days, as some interested parties have requested additional
2021 FMP Milestone 3 Website Open House- we want your input
To review the milestone 3 information package and the draft 2021 Forest Management Plan, please click on the below link or visit our Forest Management Planning page on our website. Please email us with any questions or input or use the below comment form. The period to provide comments will be 20 Alberta working days, beginning