West Fraser acquired Spray Lake Sawmills on November 17, 2023        Learn More*
Visit https://bit.ly/4b4GSJl for our harvest plan open houses

News & Events2023-04-18T10:11:58-06:00

Response to Recent Comments

We have received a cluster of comments over the last few days, several with overlapping contents. Rather than responding to each individually I thought I would provide a generalized response. First of all we would like to apologize for any technical issues you may have had with our blog site and appreciate you letting us know.

May 2nd, 2013|

Open Houses

On May 8th and 9th Spray Lake Sawmills will be hosting our annual open houses.  May 8th will be located  in Cochrane at the Cochrane Curling Club  and May 9th will be held in Blairmore at the Blairmore Legion, both will run from 3:00 to 7:00 PM. The purpose of the open houses is to provide

April 24th, 2013|

Dispute Resolution Process

Spray Lake Sawmills has recently put together a draft of a “Dispute Resolution Process”.  Our intent is not to side-step the authority placed in the Alberta Department of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development as the ultimate manager and authority on land use activities which occur on Crown Land.  Rather we are trying to develop a “good

April 22nd, 2013|

Gap Analysis Peer Review

A number of follow-up activities have been occurring since our April 4 workshop.  We have now received a peer review report on the Protected Areas Gap Analysis.  It can be found on the Spray Lake Sawmills website in the same area as the original Gap Analysis Report:  www.spraylakesawmills.com  click on the Woodlands tab and then Forest

April 18th, 2013|

Follow-up to Protected Areas Workshop

Spray Lake Sawmills held a workshop in Cochrane on April 4th to look at and review a couple of different reports:  High Conservation Value Forest Assessment and Protected Areas Gap Analysis.  The workshop went well and constitutes one step on a longer pathway of stakeholder engagement in the company’s forest management activities.  For those of you

April 12th, 2013|

2013 General Development Plan

Spray Lake Sawmills has just completed the 2013 edition of its General Development Plan (GDP).  A GDP is a rolling five year plan showing where the company is planning to conduct its timber harvest operations. It is refined and updated every April to reflect the best information available for upcoming activities.  The GDP maps don’t contain

April 11th, 2013|
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