West Fraser acquired Spray Lake Sawmills on November 17, 2023        Learn More*
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News & Events2023-04-18T10:11:58-06:00

June 11, 2013 Workshop – Results

Spray Lake Sawmills Mixed Use Forest Management Workshop (Follow-up) Forest Harvest Plan - West Bragg Creek July 10, 2013   SLS has made the promise that it will carefully consider public comment and follow-up with stakeholders with a response. SLS will also follow-up with stakeholders with any changes made to a plan or operation as a

July 11th, 2013|

Forest Management Certification Audit

Public Notice for Forest Management Certification Audit     Spray Lake Sawmills Ltd. in Cochrane, Alberta, Canada Forest Management Area 0100038 and associated B9 Quota Area July 4th, 2013   Introduction Rainforest Alliance is conducting an audit of the forest management activities of Spray Lake Sawmills Ltd. The audit will be conducted from August 6-9th, 2013

July 10th, 2013|

PAC Minutes May 14, 2013

 Spray Lake Sawmills Public Advisory Committee SLS Boardroom May 14th, 2013   Present:TannisZubot, Gord Lehn, SandraFoss, HarveyBuckley, Erik Butters, JasonMogilefsky, MikeKorman, MikeMacDonald, JJGraham (TimGiese – via conference call) Absent: Richard Right Hand, Patrick Brady, Natasha Kinloch, Judy Stewart, and Morgan Kehr. PAC Administration and Function Gord went through the agenda and Tannis passed out an acronym

July 3rd, 2013|

June 11, 2013 Multiple Use Workshop

On June 11, 2013 Spray Lake Sawmills hosted a worshop.  The two primary objectives of the workshop were to discuss strategies for planning in a multiple use zoned area and secondly to hear some feedback on the harvest plans that have been underway in the area west of the community of Bragg Creek.  Spray Lake Sawmills

June 25th, 2013|

Looking For Your Input

Spray Lakes Sawmills is a local, family owned and operated forest products company, located in Cochrane. The company holds a Forest Management Agreement to manage Crown land forests in a portion of the southern east slopes of Alberta. Spray Lake Sawmills is planning a public consultation session from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Heritage

May 28th, 2013|

It’s Our Forest – Inside Education

Inside Education recently produced a video entitled It’s Our Forest.  This video examines forest ecology, the human values of the forest, land-use planning and the people and products of the forestry industry.  It is designed as an educational piece to help stimulate discussion.  The link to this well done video can be found at:     http://www.insideeducation.ca/ForestFieldTripDVD  I

May 16th, 2013|
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