Field Operations
What happens after our planning is complete? Here is a brief overview of some of the activities that go into effective field operations:
Access Development: A well planned and constructed road network is the next step after planning is complete. When designing or building our roads we consider the needs of other users, the life span of the road, maintenance requirements, and final reclamation. Ultimately the vast majority of our roads are fully reclaimed and made impassable to protect wildlife in the area.
Harvesting: We employ adaptive harvest practices to meet site-specific land management objectives. This approach recognizes the biological needs of the tree species being managed. It also considers aesthetic and recreational values, other commercial forest users such as trappers and ranchers, and natural values such as wildlife and watershed protection.
Reclamation: Once operations are completed in an area we ensure that roads are properly reclaimed. By meeting or exceeding Alberta Timber Harvest Planing and Operating Ground Rule standards we ensure watershed protection and minimal soil erosion. A monitoring program remains in place for many years following reclamation to ensure no problems arise and that the forest is properly re-established.
Reforestation: Forests are a renewable resource which can be managed in keeping with principles of sustainability. This means harvesting only at levels the forest is capable of replenishing. It also means reforesting all areas that are harvested, so our children and grandchildren can enjoy the same privileges of the forest that we do.