West Fraser acquired Spray Lake Sawmills on November 17, 2023

Spray Lake Sawmills is proud to announce we have exclusively certified all of our forest management areas under the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) Forest Management Standard which is endorsed by the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).

The SFI program is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental organization with almost 1,300 government and NGO members and more than 16,000 volunteer experts in 161 countries. PEFC, with more than 270 million hectares of certified forests, is the wold’s largest non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management. SFI makes up 40% of PEFC globally.

To learn more about our sustainable forestry program, please visit our dedicated forest certification webpage: https://spraylakesawmills.com/certification/

Spray Lake Sawmills Celebrates 70th Anniversary

This video highlights our 70th year, open house celebration. We had a great time celebrating the occasion with over 1200 members of the public and company founder Chester Mjolsness. Some of the festivities included mill tours, forest management booth displays, and distinguished guest speakers.

By |2014-12-04T12:07:40-07:00December 4th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on Spray Lake Sawmills Celebrates 70th Anniversary

The High Conservation Value Forest Report (HCVF) Version 3

Last month, SLS posted version 3 of the High Conservation Value Forest Report on its company website. The latest version updates are focused on High Conservation Value Forest Category 4, "Forest Areas that Provide Basic Services of Nature in Critical situations". The HCFV approach for assessing and managing forests was developed by the World Wildlife Fund and is

By |2014-11-17T08:43:00-07:00November 17th, 2014|News & Events|2 Comments

Spray Lake Sawmills and Watershed Stewardship

Spray Lake Sawmills (SLS) has been operating in the Bow River watershed since it acquired the Eau Claire Lumber Company timber quota in 1953. Back in those days, SLS operated near Spray Lake reservoir above the current day Town of Canmore4. Overtime, through the development of Alberta government, Integrated Resource Plans and the adoption of

By |2014-11-17T07:41:51-07:00November 13th, 2014|News & Events|Comments Off on Spray Lake Sawmills and Watershed Stewardship
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